Saturday, December 10, 2011

To A Floodless Street!

Our "outside" lawn/garden has been "slaughtered." It hurts to see, but we need a floodless street. *fingers crossed!*

For many many years, our bungalow house (then) always gets flooded every now and then when the rain is just to excited to pour its heart out. Our (then) tiny subdivision became populated and then rose an adjacent village on the hillside--hence, as everyone would say, the cause of all this flood. Our subdvision did not anticipate the birth of an immediate adjacent village, which means, no big enough canals & drainage.

My mom wanted to move out, but there's just too much sentimental value. This is where they grew up, and their house was the 3rd house ever built since Apovel opened, that was in 1973 (i think!). So she can't just leave our house and my lolo's house just like that. To compensate, we had our house REBUILT, yes, not renovated but we had to REBUILD everything in 1999. Our architect did an amazing job by elevating our ground to i think 2 meters up! And yes, miraculously, even the worst flood, no water said hi to our doorstep. But, we never rejoiced. Because our neighbors scream & whine everytime the rain pours hard. And that affects us too. And now, finally, someone's taking up on the action plan.